Monday, October 27, 2008

Dodging the questions like always....

Recently I posted about Biden gaffes in the news media. I will post those below, but I find it funny that when Obamacamp are confronted with some tough questions they avoid them in such a way that it confounds me that the American public at large is not taking notice. I mean, what does it take for America to wake up? Sometimes I feel like the only one seeing this happening. It is so surreal I actually called the Board of Elections in my community today to make sure I was registered before I showed up. If I wouldn't have called who knows what would've happened that Tuesday. I wonder if these guys played championship dodge ball because if they dodge balls like they do questions, these guys should have won some gold medals in the Olympics.

These guys below were banned from any further interviews...I guess their questions were too tough. Obiden, if the heat's too much for you, get out of the kitchen!!! I mean what is the point of being a journalist if you can't ask tough questions? So know we can only ask what brand shoes he's wearing and sycophantically praise his so called "legacy". Suck an egg Biden. I won't even tell Obama to do that. He'll answer, "been there, done that in the back of a limousine".

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